This incredible abandoned house is over 200 years old and according to research by Terry Wilson it is on the City’s Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest as it represents a scarce example of a pre-Confederation Masonry Regency Cottage. Stating “The main building appears largely unaltered apart from new windows”.
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This incredible abandoned house is over 200 years old and according to research by Terry Wilson it is on the City’s Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest as it represents a scarce example of a pre-Confederation Masonry Regency Cottage. Stating “The main building appears largely unaltered apart from new windows”.
I was blown away by the amount of contents left behind including some very valuable musical gear such as two Yamaha speakers and a small mixing board, microphones, a drum machine and more.
Lots of left over furniture, desks, photos on the wall, dishes in the sink, needles and even unused naloxone shots.
There was definitely signs of squatting in this house, in fact a girl explored the house two days before me and she smelled fresh cigarette smoke and heard someone coughing upstairs. This may have been another explorer, but I would not be surprised if it was a squatter.
The last dates on calendars was 2012 and Terry’s website states it was used as a rental property for decades, for both residential and business use. A construction company and a painting company had both been operating out of the house, as well as being a residence.
Now, it seems the property may be owed by a car dealership and used as overflow parking, given the homes heritage designation it can not be legally demolished.