14 Million Dollar Abandoned Mansion

14 Million Dollar Abandoned Canadian Mansion


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This location is a big empty abandoned mansion that seemed like it was lived in by elderly Italians – and that’s all I really know about it!

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About This Abandoned 14 Million Dollar Mansion

I asked artificial intelligence to write me a post about this abandoned $14,000,000 mansion. It wrote based on info provided from Abandoned Urbex Canada, Ethan. Minnie and Carlo Paolozza, plus my own limited thoughts and opinions.


Here is what the AI spit out!


According to research by Brent from Abandoned Urbex Canada, The previous owner of the mansion was a professional Baker. He earned his professional baker status with over 50 years in the Baking industry. He hung up his baking apron and decided to open up a business with his wife selling and manufacturing high end bakery equipment. The business was very successful, they sold thousands of units all over the world. Sadly a few years ago he passed away. Now the house and 25 acres sits abandoned waiting to be demolished for new luxury homes.


However, there is contradicting information from videos from Ethan Minnie and Carlo Palozza.


Ethan states that this was a Crime Boss’s ABANDONED $16,000,000 1980’s Mansion, and I quote, Ethan “CAN’T BELIEVE WHAT HE FOUND”


Carlo on the other hand, in his video he said that he would be unveiling the Abandoned Drug Lord’s Mansion. While watching Carlos video, he promised a thrilling exploration of a Drug King Pin’s abandoned dream mansion, built in the 1980s!


He told us that we will discover the secrets hidden within this luxurious yet eerie estate, from marble slabs to secret storage rooms. Carlo also suggested that we not miss out on the Miami Vice vibes and unexpected surprises this mansion has to offer.


As for me, I don’t know guys – it was a big empty abandoned mansion that seemed like it was lived in by elderly Italians – and that’s all I have to say about that!


Watch the video here, then come back and tell me what you thought about it!

Abandoned 14 Million Dollar Mansion Photo Gallery

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