1970’s Decor Abandoned Farm House

1970’s Decor Abandoned Farm House

1970’s Decor Abandoned Farm House Exploring Video

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about this Abandoned1970s house

This huge old abandoned farm house dates back around 100 years. Approaching the house down the long chained driveway, you can easily see how old this house and farm are.

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About This 1970s Abandoned House

This huge old abandoned farm house dates back around 100 years. Approaching the house down the long chained driveway, you can easily see how old this house and farm are.

Inside, lots of ornate and intricate woodwork and some of the most insane 1970’s wallpaper and ugly carpet I have ever seen!

Come on inside and lets explore this old abandoned farmhouse together!. Thank you to @Riddim Ryder and Zenning With Zay for sending me this location for us to enjoy

1970s Abandoned House Photo Gallery

As often as this happens to me, I am always amazed that with almost 15,000,000 people living in the province of Ontario, someone who is connected to the properties I explore almost always seem to see my content.

It’s not always a bad thing however, such was the case yesterday.

It started with a comment on Reddit

“Oh this is a little heartbreaking.

I grew up in this house….”

Then, I received a message from this person:

“Hi there,

I was wondering if you had a full album. I used to live at ADDRESS REDACTED in the big house.

It was a pretty huge part of my childhood and I never went back once the developers bought the property”

We started chatting and I learned that the family who owned the property allowed this person’s family to live in the big brick house, completely free for 17 years.

The two families were friends and this person’s mother taught the owner’s daughter in school.

He went on to tell me:

“You should’ve seen it in its heyday. In the corner next to a tv was a massive grand piano. It was all beautifully done.”

He sent me a photo of him and his siblings at Christmas time to which I replied

“Oh wow, I can only imagine what Christmas was like in there”

He replied

“It was amazing! Truly my idea of what Christmas is was built in that place haha”

He said that eventually the owners “just said that they needed the house back for their son to work with them. Kind of hard to say no to someone who let you live in a mansion for 17 years for free haha.”

He added

“I remember when we left, we came back about a year later just to see how things were.

That back bathtub almost fell through the floor. Had we stayed longer, one of us would probably have gone through as well haha”

This was a great conversation and this person seemed to really enjoy the photos as well as the video tour, he said the couch and chair that I sit on in the video belonged to his dad, he noted that I was bang on in my assumptions of what each room was and that they did in-fact produce maple syrup on location for several years.

This final photo in this set was how the exterior of the home looked when he lived there!

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