I am a Canadian photographer passionate about urban exploration, uncovering the hidden beauty of abandoned buildings and forgotten places. Through my lens, I capture the haunting yet captivating stories left behind in decaying structures, from empty factories to historic homes frozen in time.
Beyond abandoned places, I also explore travel and landscape photography, documenting stunning scenery and unique locations. My work focuses on finding artistry in decay, revealing the textures, history, and atmosphere of places long left behind.
1 – Safety First – Urban exploration can be dangerous. Many people have suffered injuries from falling through weakened floors, breaking bones, tearing ligaments, or even worse. Always be mindful of where you step, stay aware of your surroundings, and prioritize your safety at all times.
2 – Legal Risks – Entering abandoned properties is considered trespassing and can result in legal consequences, including charges for breaking and entering (B&E), mischief, or other offenses. I do not encourage or promote illegal activity, and it's crucial to be aware of the risks involved.
3 – Trespassing Laws in Ontario – In Ontario, Canada, the fine for trespassing on an abandoned property is similar to a parking ticket, around $65, without leaving a criminal record. However, depending on your actions and the situation, the charge could escalate to mischief or B&E, which are criminal offenses with more severe consequences. Always be cautious and informed about the laws in your area.
If you are a surviving family member and have come across any posts that cause stress or distress, please
reach out to me directly. I approach every location with deep respect, and I am more than willing to remove any photos or videos upon your request to ensure your comfort and peace of mind.
Whenever I encounter a location with sealed access points, I always choose to walk away. If entry requires forced access, I do the same. I want to emphasize that I never remove personal belongings or items from any location I explore, as I approach each site with the utmost respect for its integrity and history.
Click an image below to see all of the locations posted within each category, hover over the images to see the categories.